angular angular universal server-side rendering performance SEO

Angular Universal: Server-side Rendering for Angular Applications

Angular Universal: Server-side Rendering for Angular Applications

Angular Universal is a technology that allows server-side rendering (SSR) for Angular applications. With SSR, you can render Angular applications on the server, which can lead to performance benefits, better SEO, and improved initial load times.

Why Use Angular Universal?

  1. Improved Performance: Angular Universal pre-renders the initial state of your application on the server, delivering a fast, static page to the user while the client-side JavaScript loads and runs in the background.

  2. SEO Enhancement: Search engines can better index server-rendered pages. This is crucial for public-facing web pages requiring search visibility.

  3. Better Link Previews: Social media and other platforms can generate link previews more effectively from static content.

  4. Enhanced Experience for Low-Powered Devices: Devices with limited computing power can quickly display server-rendered content without waiting for client-side rendering.


  1. Setup: To start using Angular Universal, you can use Angular CLI:

    Copy Code
    ng add @nguniversal/express-engine
  2. Server App: This command will create a server.ts file and some other configurations. This server.ts acts as a Node.js Express server which will serve the Angular application.

  3. Building and Serving: To build and serve the SSR version of the app:

    Copy Code
    npm run build:ssr && npm run serve:ssr
  4. Data Fetching: When using Angular Universal, consider when and where to fetch data. Use the TransferState service to avoid duplicate HTTP calls: once on the server and again on the client.

  5. Browser-specific APIs: Ensure that any browser-specific APIs (like window, document, etc.) are accessed conditionally or have fallbacks, since these objects don't exist in a server-side context.


  • Event Bindings: Since the app is first rendered on the server, user interactions like button clicks won't work until the client-side scripts load and run.

  • Complex Set-up and Deployment: While Angular Universal offers many advantages, the deployment process becomes a bit more complex compared to a typical Angular SPA (Single Page Application).

  • Certain Libraries: Some third-party libraries may not support server-side rendering and could cause issues when used with Angular Universal.


Angular Universal offers a bridge between the performance and SEO benefits of traditional server-rendered apps and the interactivity and richness of Single Page Applications. When implemented correctly, it can lead to fast, SEO-friendly, and interactive Angular apps, but it's essential to weigh the benefits against the added complexity.